
英 [rɪˈnaʊnsɪŋ] 美 [rɪˈnaʊnsɪŋ]

v.  声明放弃; 宣布放弃; 宣布与…决裂; 宣布摒弃; 宣布断绝与…的关系


  1. VERB 宣布放弃,抛弃(信仰或行为方式)
    If you renounce a belief or a way of behaving, you decide and declare publicly that you no longer have that belief or will no longer behave in that way.
    1. After a period of imprisonment she renounced terrorism...
  2. VERB 正式放弃(要求、官阶或头衔)
    If you renounce a claim, rank, or title, you officially give it up.
    1. He renounced his claim to the French throne.


  1. He enraged the government by renouncing the agreement.
  2. On the evening of the day when she had handed over her two little ones to Magnon, with express intention of renouncing them forever, the Thenardier had felt, or had appeared to feel, a scruple.
  3. It is only by renouncing all claims to knowledge of an immediate comprehensible aim, and acknowledging the final aim to be beyond our ken, that we see a consistent whole in the life of historical persons.
  4. In other parts of the world, countries have managed to agree joint resource development without renouncing competing sovereignty claims.
  5. Despite strong opposition from relatives, friends and neighbours, and Li's father renouncing him publicly, the age-gap lovers risked becoming social outcasts towed.
  6. Renouncing all your possessions and moving to nepal.
  7. But a certain number have simply lain low in the Party without ever renouncing their former stand.
  8. It is only the value of this marginal satisfaction on which he must decide if the question of renouncing one unit of the total stock comes up.
  9. But she said that if Hamas wants to play a part in peace talks, it needs to meet international terms by renouncing violence and accepting Israel's right to exist.
  10. Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles
  11. Renouncing the world will be regarded as being world-weary while going into the society refers to playing a given role. A role means a life of rules, shows and fatigue.
  12. He who has acquired auspicious conduct after renouncing all sinful activities, cannot obtain purity of his soul, it he has not freed himself from delusion. ( 283)
  13. They talk about renouncing the world;
  14. And upon the Lord's renouncing his will to live on, there came a tremendous earthquake, dreadful and astonishing, and thunder rolled across the heavens.
  15. Under the scheme, legal immigrants from outside the European Union who become jobless would be offered 40 per cent of their unemployment entitlement on renouncing their residency and work permits.
  16. One does not suggest abdication of one's responsibility nor does one advocate renouncing the rights due.
  17. We skillfully pulled the teeth of a dangerous Soviet maneuver to lure us into renouncing the use of nuclear weapons.
  18. While boys often expressed nostalgia and affection toward GI Joe, renouncing Barbie appeared to be a rite of passage for many girls, Nairn said.
  19. Most have been released after allegedly renouncing extremist beliefs.
  20. I have heard him renouncing wine a hundred times a day, but then it has been between as many glasses.
  21. Arjuna said: O mighty armed one, O master of the senses, O slayers of the Kesi demon, I wish to understand the factual distinction of renunciation and the renouncing of the fruit of action.
  22. Renouncing the World and Naturalizing the World& A Study on Beijing's City and Temples in the Periods of Liao-Jin and Yuan Dynasties
  23. So many herdsmen learned a lot of knowledge and skills by means of renouncing the family to become monks from generation to generation, which was one of the ways of continuing the ancient culture of the Mongolian Nationality.
  24. From the aspect of science of classifying ancient books, this paper introduces his contribution in classifying Buddhism works to demonstrate his achievements after his renouncing the family.
  25. Hieratic life and writing experience best answer his enigma of renouncing the family.
  26. It considers that Chinese tragedy consciousness deriving from Confucian idea of going into the society, was cleared up by Buddhist and Taoist idea of renouncing the world, which consequently leads to the lack of tragedy spirit.
  27. The compound object of trial means that after repealing or renouncing the administrative act, the court should determine the content of the rights and obligations of the private party directly.