
英 [rɪˈfreɪnɪŋ] 美 [rɪˈfreɪnɪŋ]

v.  克制; 节制; 避免


  1. VERB 克制;忍住
    If you refrain from doing something, you deliberately do not do it.
    1. Mrs Hardie refrained from making any comment...
    2. He appealed to all factions to refrain from violence.
  2. N-COUNT (歌曲的)叠句,副歌部分
    A refrain is a short, simple part of a song, which is repeated many times.
    1. ...a refrain from an old song.
  3. N-COUNT 反复说的话;老调
    A refrain is a comment or saying that people often repeat.
    1. Rosa's constant refrain is that she doesn't have a life.


  1. It is necessary to concentrate our efforts on advancing economic cooperation in the spirit of doing certain things and refraining from doing other things.
  2. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
  3. Conventions aimed at reliability involve things such as refraining from using recursive functions or goto statements that tend to make code complex and prone to bugs.
  4. Besides avoiding caffeine intake after lunch and refraining from doing physical exercise before bed, here are more tips for improving sleep efficiency, curated from news website Vox and Quartz.
  5. Prime Minister Modi made several trips to these countries with the sole purpose of strengthening relations and marking its position in South Asia, while refraining China from making inroads into the region.
  6. By refraining from doing so, am I taking advantage of a policy designed to counter social and institutional discrimination against women?
  7. It is important to note that refraining from praying and fasting during menses is actually an act of worship& just like observing Prayers and fasting in normal days.
  8. They also include refraining from stealing, telling lies, and coveting things that belong to others.
  9. I think refraining from rash action me these is low to fall viewpoint in this time, I believe my tomorrow would like more!
  10. 'Preventive approaches such as warming a bathroom and hallway or refraining from taking a deep, hot bath could be important for high risk people,'Dr Nishiyama wrote in the journal Resuscitation.
  11. A woman is rewarded in both cases for submitting to a divine command and showing obedience to Allah by refraining on specified times, as well as by obliging on other times.
  12. When transferring cadres of propaganda teams to other posts or promoting them, leading organs should take the work of the teams concerned into consideration, refraining from leaving the teams with no cadres at all.
  13. Make a place messy by strewing garbage around. By just picking up litter and refraining from littering, we are doing meritorious deeds.
  14. It is not surprising that we find in his guidance a large number of hadiths that speak about the importance of being truthful and emphasize the absolute importance of refraining from lying.
  15. Refraining from lying and betraying promises.
  16. First, refraining from telling any lies.
  17. Why are these people pulling back and refraining from trying new things? I did not take them seriously and went on to do what was profitable.
  18. An attempt to control conception by refraining from intercourse during the period when ovulation is most likely to occur.
  19. For the most part, the public has shown him only kindne and sympathy to his face, refraining from blaming him for the tragedy.
  20. EU policy with respect to tax competition is currently based on member states refraining from implementing new tax competition measures and on dismantling old measures perceived to be harmful.
  21. So it is clear that vegetarianism was common among Christians in Paul's day, to the extent that he had to refute their claim that refraining from meat was an act of piety.
  22. But there are widespread rumours that the Chinese are also getting cold feet not in the sense that they are actually selling those euro holdings, but rather that they are refraining from buying too much more euro debt.
  23. Assist and further the interests of colleagues, refraining from comments injurious to the reputation of a colleague.
  24. Refraining from evil to the end, there can be no fear of death and the three unfortunate realms.
  25. Peter flushed, refraining from a quick retort.
  26. Refraining from making judgments especially ones based on personal opinions or standards.
  27. Objective: To discuss the mechanism of Zhuling Decoction on refraining the formation of calculus of kidney.
  28. Any enterprise exists risks and it's running is a process of refraining from risks.
  29. Long-term contract is one of effective methods for refraining market power and improving the power market stability.
  30. Through this competition, the original weak SMEs has a survival and development, effectively refraining the large enterprises using the monopoly advantage to destroy the effective competition of market, and providing suitable conditions for the existence of competitive market structure.