
英 [ˈfrʌnt peɪdʒ] 美 [ˈfrʌnt peɪdʒ]

adj.  (报纸文章或图片)头版的
v.  把…登在头版


  1. ADJ (报纸)头版的,首页的
    A front-page article or picture appears on the front page of a newspaper because it is very important or interesting.
    1. ...a front-page article in last week's paper.


  1. The Observer carries a big front-page picture of rioters in a litter-strewn street.
  2. The editors made up the front-page with articles written by different scientists.
  3. For example, a trigger can send you e-mail whenever new content is posted or can demote a front-page story if the story is edited.
  4. It was front-page news at the time but was then suppressed by successive military governments.
  5. We do not intend to be insensitive or to poke fun at last Friday's incident, the paper said in a front-page apology Monday, adding that it was very sympathetic to the plight of the Japanese people.
  6. 'Superpower India, RIP,' screamed the front-page headline on Wednesday's Economic Times, the nation's largest-circulation financial daily.
  7. The report on this scandal appeared on the front-page of the Washington Post.
  8. The front-page story is about a dog that can ride a bicycle-it must be the silly season.
  9. But while this made front-page headlines in European newspapers, the North American mainstream media were conspiratorially silent.
  10. The murder was a front-page story in the local newspaper.
  11. As a reminder of the potential dangers, The Himalayan Times today carried a front-page photograph of Sherpas dragging a sled with the body of Kami, a Sherpa who had died in a fall.
  12. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, and it's gonna front-page news.
  13. If the only information on China you get is from front-page stories in US newspapers, you might conclude that Chinese views of history belong in the "surprisingly unchanged" box.
  14. The war was no longer front-page news.
  15. Schindler's List was put on the top of front-page background music player today.
  16. Vietnam peace talks, which had been stalled, would soon resume in Paris, a front-page report predicted.
  17. The move was hardly front-page news in Europe or the US.
  18. Like Mr Hwang, Mr Chen had been given generous public grants, while the announcement of his chip design was trumpeted at a press conference attended by leading government officials and which made front-page news.
  19. The news got a front-page splash.
  20. "After the new birth peak ends, we may adjust the policy if there is need," he said in the front-page story.
  21. The Global Times, a newspaper that often reflects the views of hardline nationalists in China, ran a front-page headline saying "America has erred before the world".
  22. "Bujingqi is the fashion," reads its front-page slogan.
  23. In a front-page story on Friday, the New York Post reported she is a former Las Vegas stripper.
  24. In fact, japan's economy to this day is still lethargic and an increasing concern, according to a front-page story in the Wall Street Journal of jan.7.
  25. The story received front-page coverage.
  26. "USA Today" front-page picture described AIG trademarks are throwing tomatoes, which are a reflection of the American people furious.
  27. It was front-page in newspapers all over the world.
  28. The recent stem-cell scandal in South Korea may have made front-page news across the world, but few readers are likely to bet that a literary novel set in a laboratory and based on scientific research might end up being a page-turner.
  29. For example, an important Brazilian newspaper used a front-page photo that, because it was taken from below, seemed to show a religious fanatic oppressing a man in a wheelchair.