
英 [ɪnˈdɔːsɪz] 美 [ɪnˈdɔːrsɪz]

v.  (公开)赞同,支持,认可; (在广告中)宣传,代言(某一产品); (在支票背面)签名,背书


  1. VERB (公开地)赞同,支持
    If you endorse someone or something, you say publicly that you support or approve of them.
    1. I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.
    2. ...policies agreed by the Labour Party and endorsed by the electorate.
  2. V-PASSIVE 在(驾驶执照)上注明违章
    If someone's driving licence is endorsed, an official record is made on it that they have been found guilty of a driving offence.
    1. For failing to report the accident, his licence was endorsed...
    2. He also had his licence endorsed with eight penalty points.
  3. VERB (在支票背面)签名,背书
    When you endorse a cheque, you write your name on the back of it so that it can be paid into someone's bank account.
    1. The payee of the cheque must endorse the cheque.
  4. VERB 为…做广告宣传
    If you endorse a product or company, you appear in advertisements for it.
    1. The twins endorsed a line of household cleaning products.


  1. -based company works with local community and technical colleges, he says, but it endorses the broader certificate approach to make credentials portable and recognized across the manufacturing industry.
  2. Tarrin endorses reform measures in the United States set out by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.
  3. A link to a non-IBM Web site does not mean that IBM endorses the content or use of such Web site or its owner.
  4. Liu Shen, a professor in the School of Law at China University of Political Science and Law, endorses that view, saying that the critical netizens should keep that in mind. "They shouldn` t criticize everything on the Internet," she said.
  5. Although not everyone endorses the idea of moving from words printed on paper to those delivered electronically, there are certain undeniable advantages.
  6. She gained control of her time by cutting her commute to 20 minutes and getting work done from home during off hours while still making time for her kids 'activities& which her new boss endorses.
  7. At26, he is a national hero in his home country, where he endorses computers and potato chips.
  8. Comparatively speaking, Kant's argument has certain transcendental character, and the argument what Rawls did endorses some pragmatic background.
  9. We relied on the Eisenhower Doctrine for the Middle East which passed the Senate. There isn't one country in the Middle East that now endorses the Eisenhower Doctrine.
  10. Due to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult.
  11. The report specifically endorses the current CDC guidance and says it should be followed until there is evidence that other forms of protection work as well or better.
  12. So on top of the ethnic choice of technologies a community endorses, we must add the individual layer of preference.
  13. The source adds, But she has got a lot of work as she endorses many products.
  14. The guests kissing fortifies and endorses the husband's.
  15. In Europe, she endorses tougher stress-tests and a more coercive approach to balance-sheet repair.
  16. He endorses proposals for a UN tax, for dedicated UN troops in national armies and for giving the world body more access to intelligence.
  17. He endorses the view that stagnation in average worker incomes in the US poses a threat to the political sustainability of deregulated markets.
  18. In the past, the NPC has been dismissed as a "flower-vase," a largely ceremonial rubber-stamp parliament which merely endorses Communist Party decisions.
  19. The fact that the model endorses a certain product means that they feel that product must also be a good one and are more inclined to buy it.
  20. The foreign ministers 'joint declaration this week agreed by Russia, the US, China, Britain, France and Germany alluded only indirectly to sanctions, highlighting the dual-track approach, which endorses both sanctions and incentives as means to persuade Iran not to develop nuclear weapons.
  21. Environmental Defense, which launched the anti-DDT campaign in the1960s, now endorses the indoor use of DDT for malaria control, as does the Sierra Club and the Endangered Wildlife Trust.
  22. One top Deutsche insider says Mr Jain endorses the vision of having a strong German base and rejects the idea that paying attention to Germany and safeguarding shareholder interests are incompatible.
  23. She played Daisy Duke in this summer's hit movie "The Dukes of Hazzard," and she endorses" Dessert," a beauty line that includes flavored body creams.
  24. They may be present when that officer makes up the packets and seals and endorses them.
  25. The agreement endorses, inter alia, the right to free and fair elections.
  26. In addition, a link to a non-lenovo web site does not mean that Lenovo endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use, of such web site.
  27. Toastmasters'philosophy endorses the concept that the best way to learn leadership is to learn at your own pace.
  28. Feedback that we have received endorses that we are on the right track with our approach.
  29. This paper endorses the point of optimizing and improving.