
英 [ɔːɡˈments] 美 [ɔːɡˈments]

v.  增加; 提高; 扩大


  1. VERB 增加;增大;加强;提高
    To augment something means to make it larger, stronger, or more effective by adding something to it.
    1. While searching for a way to augment the family income, she began making dolls.


  1. The sound of traffic augments during the morning rush hour.
  2. A process model in RMC augments the purposes of an AOA implementation by improving overall manageability and understanding of the existing implementation processes.
  3. Dynamic qualification augments the work being done in describing contracts and agreements for Web services, by providing a prediction and alerting mechanism.
  4. SOA governance extends, or augments IT governance further aligning IT and business by governing the lifecycle of business services as manifested in IT systems.
  5. The Semantic Web has the goal of creating Web infrastructure that augments data with metadata to give it meaning, thus making it suitable for automation, integration, reasoning, and re-use.
  6. As with adding the virtual disk and network connection units, this dependency link augments the model with extra information to describe the configuration of the virtual image.
  7. BPEL, WS-Coordination, and WS-Transaction are designed to handle all these levels of complexity in a consistent way that builds upon and augments the rest of the web services standards stack.
  8. Easy integration-Interoperates with and augments existing security systems
  9. The Real-time Specification for Java ( RTSJ) is an open specification that augments the Java language to open the door more widely to using the language to build real-time systems ( see Resources).
  10. Although DCE is currently based on secret key system, further in the article we will come to know how DCE exploits these techniques and augments them to provide a much more secured environment.
  11. Enrich: Augments the message payload by adding information from external data sources, such as customization parameters defined by the mediation, or from database queries.
  12. Rather than change RUP activities, MDA augments them with additional tasks aimed at supporting automation of a number of the primary RUP activities.
  13. He augments his income by teaching in the evening.
  14. The characters on mechanics shows that the pressure on pelma is not even, the stress at knee joint increases, the muscle power of lower limbs gets weak, and even the load on spine augments.
  15. In this 〝 new economy 〞 better service augments ability to compete successfully.
  16. It senses what I want to do, where I want to go, and then augments my strength and endurance.
  17. We see this process more generally in the so-called wealth effect, where the creation of capital gains augments spending and gross domestic product, whereas capital losses lower spending.
  18. He augments this with additional technology aids including whiteboards that can self-scan so that the contents can be easily shared.
  19. He augments his wages by working in his free time.
  20. Free hemoglobin augments the injury effects of hemorrhagic shock on pigs
  21. This discovery confirms the information processing approach of psychology, and augments Anthony Downs'theory of rational choice and V.O.
  22. In this paper, an image annotation method is proposed which augments the classical generative model with the proposed discriminative hyperplane tree.
  23. Uh, the dried powdered wheat particles actually augments the smoke.
  24. The vast amount of vacant lands, the value of which daily augments, forms an additional resource of great extent and duration.
  25. Targeted microbubble destruction with ultrasound augments neovascularization by bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells transplantation
  26. The21st century, the era of information dissemination network coming, the demand for information in the information age augments than ever before, mankind will be very easy to get important information through the Internet spread.
  27. But this is not all, CohesiveFT also sees a new trend emerging that augments Software Manufacturing
  28. ( chemistry) a substance other than a catalyst that facilitates the start of a catalytic reaction; ( physics) an impurity that augments luminescence in a mineral.
  29. This can be made up relatively easily by using a combination of thicker polyethylene implants and metal augments.
  30. Therefore in clearing such dreamtime, one also augments enough energy flow to potentially avoid many natural disasters in a given year within the region that one lives.